Chapter 19 Shiny Server on AWS (with Docker)

This document covers setting up Shiny Server to run 1 or more applications inside of a Docker Container on a single AWS EC2 Instance. By the end of this tutorial you will be able to run multiple shiny applications running on Port 80 of your AWS EC2 Server.

Note - We will cover the Single EC2 Server configurations only; Multiple Server configurations are beyond the scope of this course.

19.1 Prerequisites

You must have:

  1. EC2 Server with the 3 Shiny Apps Connected to your GitHub Remote Repository (Private)
  2. Docker image mdancho/shinyauth:latest on your EC2 Instance

These requirements will be satisfied if you have followed the GitHub Setup and Cloning Instructions in the previous chapters.

19.2 AWS Preparation

Port 80 is the default port for HTTP traffic. This opens the base URL of your server, so you don’t need to type specific port numbers (e.g. 3838 and 8787) like we’ve been doing.

  • Navigate to your AWS Security Group that your EC2 Server Instance is under
  • Add an HTTP Rule to open Port 80 of your AWS EC2 Server

19.3 Shiny Server Hosting Model

Next we need to discuss the basic of how Shiny Server hosts applications. This is called the Hosting Model. There are two components:

  1. App Directory Configuration - /srv/shiny-server/
  2. App Logs - /var/log/shiny-server/

19.3.1 App Directory Configuration

  • Apps are contained inside a docker container at /srv/shiny-server.
  • The directory structure looks like this:
|   +---stock_analyzer_mongo_atlas
|       +---app.R
|   +---stock_analyzer_local_data
|       +---app.R
|   +---test_app
|       +---app.R
|   +---index.html

What’s happening in this directory structure?

  • Shiny Server App Directory: Shiny Server looks for any applications in the /srv/shiny-server folder
  • Folders with app.R files are apps: Each folder with a app.R is run as a shiny app
  • Index HTML File (optional): This is an index file that appears when the user goes to the SERVER_ADDRESS. It can be used as an HTML page to show which apps are available to the user.

19.3.2 Log Configuration

Log files contain information about errors and warnings that the application(s) experience. If you ever have an issue with your application, you need to review your latest log file for the application.

  • Log files are contained inside a docker container at /var/log/shiny-server/.
|   +---stock_analyzer_mongo_atlas-log1.log
|   +---stock_analyzer_local_data-log1.log
|   +---test_app-log1.log
  • Navigate to the EC2 Directory that we map (using linked volumes -v) to the docker container’s log directory.
    • Use ls -lh to list the log files
    • Use cat to investigate the logs.

19.4 Investigating the Hosting Model Interactively via Docker

Let’s get a closer look at what happens when we set up shiny server.

  1. Shutdown any containers running on your EC2 Server.
sudo docker container ls
sudo docker container stop [CONTAINER]
  1. Run a docker container on Port 3838 with no linked volumes.
sudo docker container run -d  -p 3838:3838 mdancho/shinyauth
  1. Enter the container - this is a new concept. We can actually enter the container using the bash client.
sudo docker container exec -it [CONTAINER] bash
  1. This opens up a root user inside of the Docker Container. Navigate the the /srv/shiny-server. We can see all of the sample apps that shiny server comes with.

  1. Exit the root user using the exit command.

19.5 Launching Shiny Server Apps with Docker

We’ll cover the “single app | single server” configuration first in both development and deployment modes.

19.5.1 URL Configuration

When apps are run with docker run the apps are hosted at the URL:



SERVER ADDRESS PORT App Folder URL 3838 test_app 3838 test_app 80 stock_analyzer

19.5.2 Development - Port 3838

In development, Shiny Server runs normally on port 3838. This runs the app on Port 3838 of the EC2 Server

sudo docker container run --rm  -p 3838:3838 \
-v /home/ubuntu/business_science_apps/test_app/:/srv/shiny-server/test_app \
-v /home/ubuntu/log/shiny-server/:/var/log/shiny-server/ \

19.5.3 Deployment - Port 80

Port 80 is the Default Port for HTTP, which doesn’t require the port number to be listed in the URL. This is what permits websites like to operate without a port number at the end (e.g. This is why in production we run apps on Port 80.

  • This runs the app in detached mode on Port 80, which is the default HTTP port
  • Important Note - Make sure to open Port 80 in AWS, otherwise you will not be able to run the application on the default HTTP(S) port.
sudo docker container run -d -p 80:3838 \
-v /home/ubuntu/business_science_apps/test_app/:/srv/shiny-server/test_app \
-v /home/ubuntu/log/shiny-server/:/var/log/shiny-server/ \

19.6 Hosting Multiple Apps

Next, let’s discuss different configurations for managing one or more applications.

19.6.1 Single App | Single Server

  • Best for Low-Med Volume App. Low concurrency. Low-moderate compute time.
sudo docker container run -d -p 80:3838 \
-v /home/ubuntu/business_science_apps/test_app/:/srv/shiny-server/test_app \
-v /home/ubuntu/log/shiny-server/:/var/log/shiny-server/ \

19.6.2 Multiple App | Single Server

  • Best for Low Volume Apps: Low concurrency. Low compute time.

Method 1 - Link Entire Directory

  • Pro - Only two linked volumes; One for the entire directory of apps, and one for the log directory
  • Con - Need to have individual app directories match the end of the URL you desire (e.g. “stock_analyzer_mongo_atlas” may not be an ideal URL that you want your users to see)
sudo docker container run -d -p 80:3838 \
-v /home/ubuntu/business_science_apps/:/srv/shiny-server/ \
-v /home/ubuntu/log/shiny-server/:/var/log/shiny-server/ \

Method 2 - Link Individual Apps as Separate Linked Volumes

  • Pro - Can specify the URL end (e.g. /stock_analyzer)
  • Con - More complex docker commands; each app has a separate volume link
sudo docker container run -d -p 80:3838 \
-v /home/ubuntu/business_science_apps/test_app/:/srv/shiny-server/test_app \
-v /home/ubuntu/business_science_apps/stock_analyzer_local_data/:/srv/shiny-server/stock_analyzer \
-v /home/ubuntu/log/shiny-server/:/var/log/shiny-server/ \

19.6.3 Single App | Multiple Servers

  • Best for High Volume Apps. At this point, your application is scaling, which is a good thing (more users, means more value is being generated).

  • Unfortunately, this is beyond the scope of this course and is migrating into Development Operations (DevOps). Seek a qualified dev-ops person to help you with:

    • Elastic Container Service (ECS), Amazon Kubernetes Service (EKS), and Kubernetes - Container orchestration for multiple EC2 Instances as clusters and/or containers as clusters
    • Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) - Distributes the load accross multiple servers
    • Auto Scaling Groups - Monitors the status of EC2 instances. If one goes down, it makes a new one. Result = Self-Healing = Zero-Downtime.
    • Amazon Cloud Formation - Automates the build of EC2 Instances based on a template.

19.7 Common Issues

  1. Security Groups & Firewalls - We saw that Port 80 would not load until opened the HTTP port on the AWS Security Group. This is an extremely common issue - not having the EC2 Instance port open.
  2. Backend Databases - Connections and Permissions - Currently we cannot load the Stock Analyzer applications. We’ll investigate working with backends next.
  3. Docker Ports & Volumes - Making sure that you have your docker containers linking the correct port numbers and volumes between your host (EC2 Server) and virtual container.

How to Trouble Shoot?

  1. Check the shiny log files - This will tell you where the shiny app failed in the code.
  2. Check the AWS Ports in the Security Group - Make sure the port you are trying to use is open.

19.8 Wrapup

Congrats! You now have 3 applications being hosted on your AWS EC2 Instance. Only 1 is working, but we’ll cover how to setup the backend databases next.

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