Demand Forecasting

Timetk enables you to generate features from the time column of your data very easily. This tutorial showcases how easy it is to perform time series forecasting with pytimetk. The specific methods we will be using are:

1 Tutorial Setup

1.1 Load Packages

Load the following packages before proceeding with this tutorial.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pytimetk as tk

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor

The tutorial is divided into three parts: We will first have a look at the Walmart dataset and perform some preprocessing. Secondly, we will create models based on different features, and see how the time features can be useful. Finally, we will solve the task of time series forecasting, using the features from augment_timeseries_signature, augment_lags, and augment_rolling, to predict future sales.

1.2 Load & Inspect dataset

The first thing we want to do is to load the dataset. It is a subset of the Walmart sales prediction Kaggle competition. You can get more insights about the dataset by following this link: walmart_sales_weekly. The most important thing to know about the dataset is that you are provided with some features like the fuel price or whether the week contains holidays and you are expected to predict the weekly sales column for 7 different departments of a given store. Of course, you also have the date for each week, and that is what we can leverage to create additional features.

Let us start by loading the dataset and cleaning it. Note that we also removed some columns due to * duplication of data * 0 variance * No future data available in current dataset.

# We start by loading the dataset
# /walmart_sales_weekly.html
dset = tk.load_dataset('walmart_sales_weekly', parse_dates = ['Date'])

dset = dset.drop(columns=[
    'id', # This column can be removed as it is equivalent to 'Dept'
    'Store', # This column has only one possible value
    'Type', # This column has only one possible value
    'Size', # This column has only one possible value
    'MarkDown1', 'MarkDown2', 'MarkDown3', 'MarkDown4', 'MarkDown5',
    'IsHoliday', 'Temperature', 'Fuel_Price', 'CPI',

Dept Date Weekly_Sales
0 1 2010-02-05 24924.50
1 1 2010-02-12 46039.49
2 1 2010-02-19 41595.55
3 1 2010-02-26 19403.54
4 1 2010-03-05 21827.90

We can plot the values of each department to get an idea of how the data looks like. Using the plot_timeseries method with a groupby allows us to create multiple plots by group.

  • Click here to see our Data Visualization Guide
  • Use help(tk.plot_timeseries) to review additional helpful documentation.
sales_df = dset
fig = sales_df.groupby('Dept').plot_timeseries(
    facet_ncol = 2,
    x_axis_date_labels = "%Y",
    engine = 'plotly')
2010201120112012201220k30k40k50kJul 2010Jan 2011Jul 2011Jan 2012Jul 201210k20k30k40k50kJul 2010Jan 2011Jul 2011Jan 2012Jul 201235k40kJul 2010Jan 2011Jul 2011Jan 2012Jul 201235k40k45kJul 2010Jan 2011Jul 2011Jan 2012Jul 201260k80k100k120kJul 2010Jan 2011Jul 2011Jan 2012Jul 201260k70k80k90k100kJul 2010Jan 2011Jul 2011Jan 2012Jul 2012100k120k140k
Time Series Plot13813389395
fig = sales_df.groupby('Dept').plot_timeseries(
    facet_ncol = 2,
    x_axis_date_labels = "%Y",
    engine = 'plotnine')

<Figure Size: (700 x 500)>

2 Create a Department Forecast Model

2.1 Making Future Dates Easier with tk.future_frame

When building machine learning models, we need to setup our dataframe to hold information about the future. This is the dataframe that will get passed to our model.predict() call. This is made easy with tk.future_frame().

Curious about the various options it provides?

  • Click here to see our Data Wrangling Guide
  • Use help(tk.future_frame) to review additional helpful documentation. And explore the plethora of possibilities!

Notice this function adds 5 weeks to our dateset for each department and fills in weekly sales with nulls. Previously our max date was 2012-10-26.

1    2012-10-26
3    2012-10-26
8    2012-10-26
13   2012-10-26
38   2012-10-26
93   2012-10-26
95   2012-10-26
Name: Date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

After applying our future frame, we can now see values 5 weeks in the future, and our dataframe has been extended to 2012-11-30 for all groups.

sales_df_with_futureframe = sales_df \
    .groupby('Dept') \
        date_column = 'Date',
        length_out  = 5
Future framing...: 100%
7/7 [00:00<00:00, 355.49it/s]
1    2012-11-30
3    2012-11-30
8    2012-11-30
13   2012-11-30
38   2012-11-30
93   2012-11-30
95   2012-11-30
Name: Date, dtype: datetime64[ns]

2.2 Date Features with tk.augment_timeseries_signature

Machine Learning models generally cannot process raw date objects directly. Moreover, they lack an inherent understanding of the passage of time. This means that, without specific features, a model can’t differentiate between a January observation and a June one. To bridge this gap, the tk.augment_timeseries_signature function is invaluable. It generates 29 distinct date-oriented features suitable for model inputs.

  • Click here to see our Adding Features (Augmenting)
  • Use help(tk.augment_timeseries_signature) help(tk.augment_lags) help(tk.augment_rolling) to review additional helpful documentation.

It’s crucial, however, to align these features with the granularity of your dataset. Given the weekly granularity of the Walmart dataset, any date attributes finer than ‘week’ should be excluded for relevance and efficiency.

sales_df_dates = sales_df_with_futureframe.augment_timeseries_signature(date_column = 'Date')
Dept Date Weekly_Sales Date_index_num Date_year Date_year_iso Date_yearstart Date_yearend Date_leapyear Date_half ... Date_mday Date_qday Date_yday Date_weekend Date_hour Date_minute Date_second Date_msecond Date_nsecond Date_am_pm
0 1 2010-02-05 24924.50 1265328000 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 5 36 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
1 1 2010-02-12 46039.49 1265932800 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 12 43 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
2 1 2010-02-19 41595.55 1266537600 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 19 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
3 1 2010-02-26 19403.54 1267142400 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 26 57 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
4 1 2010-03-05 21827.90 1267747200 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 5 64 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
5 1 2010-03-12 21043.39 1268352000 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 12 71 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
6 1 2010-03-19 22136.64 1268956800 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 19 78 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
7 1 2010-03-26 26229.21 1269561600 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 26 85 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
8 1 2010-04-02 57258.43 1270166400 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 2 2 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 am
9 1 2010-04-09 42960.91 1270771200 2010 2010 0 0 0 1 ... 9 9 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 am

10 rows × 32 columns

Upon reviewing the generated features, it’s evident that certain attributes don’t align with the granularity of our dataset. For optimal results, features exhibiting no variance—like “Date_hour” due to the weekly nature of our data—should be omitted. We also spot redundant features, such as “Date_Month” and “Date_month_lbl”; both convey month information, albeit in different formats. To enhance clarity and computational efficiency, we’ll refine our dataset to include only the most relevant columns.

Additionally, we’ve eliminated certain categorical columns, which, although compatible with models like LightGBM and Catboost, demand extra processing for many tree-based ML models. While 1-hot encoding is a popular method for managing categorical data, it’s not typically recommended for date attributes. Instead, leveraging numeric date features directly, combined with the integration of Fourier features, can effectively capture cyclical patterns.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>: 1036 rows of 32 columns
Dept:               int64             [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  ...
Date:               datetime64[ns]    [Timestamp('2010-02-05 00:00:00'), ...
Weekly_Sales:       float64           [24924.5, 46039.49, 41595.55, 1940 ...
Date_index_num:     int64             [1265328000, 1265932800, 126653760 ...
Date_year:          int64             [2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 201 ...
Date_year_iso:      UInt32            [2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, 201 ...
Date_yearstart:     uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_yearend:       uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_leapyear:      uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_half:          int64             [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  ...
Date_quarter:       int64             [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2,  ...
Date_quarteryear:   object            ['2010Q1', '2010Q1', '2010Q1', '20 ...
Date_quarterstart:  uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_quarterend:    uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_month:         int64             [2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,  ...
Date_month_lbl:     object            ['February', 'February', 'February ...
Date_monthstart:    uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_monthend:      uint8             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_yweek:         UInt32            [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ...
Date_mweek:         int64             [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3,  ...
Date_wday:          int64             [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,  ...
Date_wday_lbl:      object            ['Friday', 'Friday', 'Friday', 'Fr ...
Date_mday:          int64             [5, 12, 19, 26, 5, 12, 19, 26, 2,  ...
Date_qday:          int64             [36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78, 85, 2 ...
Date_yday:          int64             [36, 43, 50, 57, 64, 71, 78, 85, 9 ...
Date_weekend:       int64             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_hour:          int64             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_minute:        int64             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_second:        int64             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_msecond:       int64             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_nsecond:       int64             [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  ...
Date_am_pm:         object            ['am', 'am', 'am', 'am', 'am', 'am ...
sales_df_dates = sales_df_dates[[
    , 'Weekly_Sales'
    , 'Date_year'
    , 'Date_month'
    , 'Date_yweek'
    , 'Date_mweek'  
Date Dept Weekly_Sales Date_year Date_month Date_yweek Date_mweek
1026 2012-11-02 93 NaN 2012 11 44 1
1027 2012-11-09 93 NaN 2012 11 45 2
1028 2012-11-16 93 NaN 2012 11 46 3
1029 2012-11-23 93 NaN 2012 11 47 4
1030 2012-11-30 93 NaN 2012 11 48 5
1031 2012-11-02 95 NaN 2012 11 44 1
1032 2012-11-09 95 NaN 2012 11 45 2
1033 2012-11-16 95 NaN 2012 11 46 3
1034 2012-11-23 95 NaN 2012 11 47 4
1035 2012-11-30 95 NaN 2012 11 48 5

2.3 Lag Features with tk.augment_lags

As previously noted, it’s important to recognize that machine learning models lack inherent awareness of time, a vital consideration in time series modeling. Furthermore, these models operate under the assumption that each row is independent, meaning that the information from last month’s weekly sales is not inherently integrated into the prediction of next month’s sales target. To address this limitation, we incorporate additional features, such as lags, into the models to capture temporal dependencies. You can easily achieve this by employing the tk.augment_lags function.

df_with_lags = sales_df_dates \
    .groupby('Dept') \
        date_column  = 'Date',
        value_column = 'Weekly_Sales',
        lags         = [5,6,7,8,9]
Date Dept Weekly_Sales Date_year Date_month Date_yweek Date_mweek Weekly_Sales_lag_5 Weekly_Sales_lag_6 Weekly_Sales_lag_7 Weekly_Sales_lag_8 Weekly_Sales_lag_9
0 2010-02-05 1 24924.50 2010 2 5 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2010-02-12 1 46039.49 2010 2 6 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 2010-02-19 1 41595.55 2010 2 7 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3 2010-02-26 1 19403.54 2010 2 8 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 2010-03-05 1 21827.90 2010 3 9 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

2.4 Rolling Lag Features with tk.augment_rolling

Another pivotal aspect of time series analysis involves the utilization of rolling lags. These operations facilitate computations within a moving time window, enabling the use of functions such as “mean” and “std” on these rolling windows. This can be achieved by invoking the tk.augment_rolling() function on grouped time series data. To execute this, we will initially gather all columns containing ‘lag’ in their names. We then apply this function to the lag values, as opposed to the weekly sales, since we lack future weekly sales data. By applying these functions to the lag values, we ensure the prevention of data leakage and maintain the adaptability of our method to unforeseen future data.

lag_columns = [col for col in df_with_lags.columns if 'lag' in col]

df_with_rolling = df_with_lags \
    .groupby('Dept') \
        date_column  = 'Date',
        value_column = lag_columns,
        window  = 4,
        window_func = 'mean',
        threads = 1 # Change to -1 to use all available cores
df_with_rolling[df_with_rolling.Dept ==1].head(10)
Calculating Rolling...: 100%
7/7 [00:00<00:00, 157.14it/s]
Date Dept Weekly_Sales Date_year Date_month Date_yweek Date_mweek Weekly_Sales_lag_5 Weekly_Sales_lag_6 Weekly_Sales_lag_7 Weekly_Sales_lag_8 Weekly_Sales_lag_9 Weekly_Sales_lag_5_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_6_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_7_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_8_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_9_rolling_mean_win_4
0 2010-02-05 1 24924.50 2010 2 5 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0 2010-02-05 1 24924.50 2010 2 5 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0 2010-02-05 1 24924.50 2010 2 5 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0 2010-02-05 1 24924.50 2010 2 5 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
0 2010-02-05 1 24924.50 2010 2 5 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2010-02-12 1 46039.49 2010 2 6 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2010-02-12 1 46039.49 2010 2 6 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2010-02-12 1 46039.49 2010 2 6 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2010-02-12 1 46039.49 2010 2 6 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2010-02-12 1 46039.49 2010 2 6 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

Notice when we add lag values to our dataframe, this creates several NA values. This is because when using lags, there will be some data that is not available early in our dataset.Thus as a result, NA values are introduced.

To simplify and clean up the process, we will remove these rows entirely since we already extracted some meaningful information from them (ie. lags, rolling lags).

all_lag_columns = [col for col in df_with_rolling.columns if 'lag' in col]

df_no_nas = df_with_rolling \
    .dropna(subset=all_lag_columns, inplace=False)

Date Dept Weekly_Sales Date_year Date_month Date_yweek Date_mweek Weekly_Sales_lag_5 Weekly_Sales_lag_6 Weekly_Sales_lag_7 Weekly_Sales_lag_8 Weekly_Sales_lag_9 Weekly_Sales_lag_5_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_6_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_7_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_8_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_9_rolling_mean_win_4
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.9 19403.54 22809.285 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 32990.77
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.9 19403.54 22809.285 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 32990.77
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.9 19403.54 22809.285 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 32990.77
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.9 19403.54 22809.285 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 32990.77
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.9 19403.54 22809.285 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 32990.77

We can call tk.glimpse() again to quickly see what features we still have available.

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>: 4760 rows of 17 columns
Date:                                   datetime64[ns]    [Timestamp('20 ...
Dept:                                   int64             [1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ...
Weekly_Sales:                           float64           [16555.11, 165 ...
Date_year:                              int64             [2010, 2010, 2 ...
Date_month:                             int64             [4, 4, 4, 4, 4 ...
Date_yweek:                             UInt32            [17, 17, 17, 1 ...
Date_mweek:                             int64             [5, 5, 5, 5, 5 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_5:                     float64           [26229.21, 262 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_6:                     float64           [22136.64, 221 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_7:                     float64           [21043.39, 210 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_8:                     float64           [21827.9, 2182 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_9:                     float64           [19403.54, 194 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_5_rolling_mean_win_4:  float64           [22809.285, 22 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_6_rolling_mean_win_4:  float64           [21102.8675, 2 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_7_rolling_mean_win_4:  float64           [25967.595, 25 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_8_rolling_mean_win_4:  float64           [32216.6200000 ...
Weekly_Sales_lag_9_rolling_mean_win_4:  float64           [32990.7700000 ...

2.5 Training and Future Sets

Now that we have our training set built, we can start to train our regressor. To do so, let’s first do some model cleanup.

Split our data in to train and future sets.

future = df_no_nas[df_no_nas.Weekly_Sales.isnull()]
train = df_no_nas[df_no_nas.Weekly_Sales.notnull()]

2.6 Model with regressor

We still have a datetime object in our training data. We will need to remove that before passing to our regressor. Let’s subset our column to just the features we want to use for modeling.

train_columns = [ 
    , 'Date_year'
    , 'Date_month'
    , 'Date_yweek'
    , 'Date_mweek'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_5'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_6'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_7'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_8'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_5_rolling_mean_win_4'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_6_rolling_mean_win_4'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_7_rolling_mean_win_4'
    , 'Weekly_Sales_lag_8_rolling_mean_win_4'

X = train[train_columns]
y = train[['Weekly_Sales']]

model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=123)
model =, y)

Now that we have a trained model, we can pass in our future frame to predict weekly sales.

predicted_values = model.predict(future[train_columns])
future['y_pred'] = predicted_values

Date Dept Weekly_Sales Date_year Date_month Date_yweek Date_mweek Weekly_Sales_lag_5 Weekly_Sales_lag_6 Weekly_Sales_lag_7 Weekly_Sales_lag_8 Weekly_Sales_lag_9 Weekly_Sales_lag_5_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_6_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_7_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_8_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_9_rolling_mean_win_4 y_pred
1001 2012-11-02 1 NaN 2012 11 44 1 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 16680.24 19034.475 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 16604.3150 26627.7378
1001 2012-11-02 1 NaN 2012 11 44 1 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 16680.24 19034.475 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 16604.3150 26627.7378
1001 2012-11-02 1 NaN 2012 11 44 1 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 16680.24 19034.475 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 16604.3150 26627.7378
1001 2012-11-02 1 NaN 2012 11 44 1 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 16680.24 19034.475 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 16604.3150 26627.7378
1001 2012-11-02 1 NaN 2012 11 44 1 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 16680.24 19034.475 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 16604.3150 26627.7378
1002 2012-11-09 1 NaN 2012 11 45 2 21904.47 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 19930.000 19034.4750 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 20959.0553
1002 2012-11-09 1 NaN 2012 11 45 2 21904.47 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 19930.000 19034.4750 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 20959.0553
1002 2012-11-09 1 NaN 2012 11 45 2 21904.47 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 19930.000 19034.4750 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 20959.0553
1002 2012-11-09 1 NaN 2012 11 45 2 21904.47 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 19930.000 19034.4750 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 20959.0553
1002 2012-11-09 1 NaN 2012 11 45 2 21904.47 18947.81 19251.50 19616.22 18322.37 19930.000 19034.4750 18467.5825 17726.3075 17154.9275 20959.0553

Let’s create a label to split up our actuals from our prediction dataset before recombining.

train['type'] = 'actuals'
future['type'] = 'prediction'

full_df = pd.concat([train, future])

Date Dept Weekly_Sales Date_year Date_month Date_yweek Date_mweek Weekly_Sales_lag_5 Weekly_Sales_lag_6 Weekly_Sales_lag_7 Weekly_Sales_lag_8 Weekly_Sales_lag_9 Weekly_Sales_lag_5_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_6_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_7_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_8_rolling_mean_win_4 Weekly_Sales_lag_9_rolling_mean_win_4 type y_pred
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 19403.54 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.5950 32216.620 32990.77 actuals NaN
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 19403.54 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.5950 32216.620 32990.77 actuals NaN
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 19403.54 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.5950 32216.620 32990.77 actuals NaN
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 19403.54 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.5950 32216.620 32990.77 actuals NaN
12 2010-04-30 1 16555.11 2010 4 17 5 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 19403.54 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.5950 32216.620 32990.77 actuals NaN
13 2010-05-07 1 17413.94 2010 5 18 1 57258.43 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 31666.9175 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 actuals NaN
13 2010-05-07 1 17413.94 2010 5 18 1 57258.43 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 31666.9175 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 actuals NaN
13 2010-05-07 1 17413.94 2010 5 18 1 57258.43 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 31666.9175 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 actuals NaN
13 2010-05-07 1 17413.94 2010 5 18 1 57258.43 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 31666.9175 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 actuals NaN
13 2010-05-07 1 17413.94 2010 5 18 1 57258.43 26229.21 22136.64 21043.39 21827.90 31666.9175 22809.2850 21102.8675 25967.595 32216.62 actuals NaN

2.7 Pre-Visualization Clean-up

full_df['Weekly_Sales'] = np.where(full_df.type =='actuals', full_df.Weekly_Sales, full_df.y_pred)

2.8 Plot Predictions

full_df \
    .groupby('Dept') \
        date_column = 'Date',
        value_column = 'Weekly_Sales',
        color_column = 'type',
        smooth = False,
        smooth_alpha = 0,
        facet_ncol = 2,
        facet_scales = "free",
        y_intercept_color = tk.palette_timetk()['steel_blue'],
        width = 800,
        height = 600,
        engine = 'plotly'
Jan 2011Jan 201220k30k40k50k2011201210k20k30k40k50k2011201235k40k2011201235k40k45k2011201260k80k100k120k2011201260k70k80k90k100k20112012100k120k140k
LegendactualspredictionTime Series Plot13813389395
full_df \
    .groupby('Dept') \
        date_column = 'Date',
        value_column = 'Weekly_Sales',
        color_column = 'type',
        smooth = False,
        smooth_alpha = 0,
        facet_ncol = 2,
        facet_scales = "free",
        y_intercept_color = tk.palette_timetk()['steel_blue'],
        width = 800,
        height = 600,
        engine = 'plotnine'

<Figure Size: (800 x 600)>

Our weekly sales forecasts exhibit a noticeable alignment with historical trends, indicating that our models are effectively capturing essential data signals. It’s worth noting that with some additional feature engineering, we have the potential to further enhance the model’s performance.

Here are some additional techniques that can be explored to elevate its performance:

  1. Experiment with the incorporation of various lags using the versatile tk.augment_lags() function.
  2. Enhance the model’s capabilities by introducing additional rolling calculations through tk.augment_rolling().
  3. Consider incorporating cyclic features by utilizing tk.augment_fourier().
  4. Try different models and build a robust cross-validation strategy for model selection.

These strategies hold promise for refining the model’s accuracy and predictive power

3 Conclusion

This exemplifies the remarkable capabilities of pytimetk in aiding Data Scientists in conducting comprehensive time series analysis for demand forecasting. Throughout this process, we employed various pytimetk functions and techniques to enhance our analytical approach:

  • We harnessed the power of tk.augment_time_signature() to generate a plethora of date features, enriching our dataset.
  • The feature engineering functions tk.augment_lags() and tk.augment_rolling() from pytimetk played a pivotal role in our analysis, enabling us to create lag-based features and rolling calculations.
  • Utilizing tk.future_frame(), we constructed our prediction set
  • To gain valuable insights into our final model’s performance, we leveraged tk.plot_timeseries() to visualize our results.

These pytimetk features provide incredibly powerful techniques with a very easy strcuture and minimal code. They were indispensable in crafting a high-quality sales forecast, seamlessly integrated with sklearn.

4 More Coming Soon…

We are in the early stages of development. But it’s obvious the potential for pytimetk now in Python. 🐍