Changelog for Pytimetk


pytimetk 1.2.1


  • augment_rolling_risk_metrics(): Gains a new metrics argument allowing users to speed up calculations by only requesting the rolling risk metrics they need. Default None is all metrics.

pytimetk 1.2.0

New Functions

  • augment_drawdown(): The augment_drawdown function calculates the drawdown metrics for a financial time series using either pandas or polars engine, and returns the augmented DataFrame with peak value, drawdown, and drawdown percentage columns.
  • augment_rolling_risk_metrics(): The augment_rolling_risk_metrics function calculates rolling risk-adjusted performance metrics for a financial time series using either pandas or polars engine, and returns the augmented DataFrame with columns for Sharpe Ratio, Sortino Ratio, and other metrics.
  • augment_fip_momentum(): Calculate the “Frog In The Pan” (FIP) momentum metric over one or more rolling windows using either pandas or polars engine, augmenting the DataFrame with FIP columns.
  • augment_stochastic_oscillator: The augment_stochastic_oscillator() function calculates the Stochastic Oscillator (%K and %D) for a financial instrument using either pandas or polars engine, and returns the augmented DataFrame.
  • augment_adx(): Calculate Average Directional Index (ADX), +DI, and -DI for a financial time series to determine strength of trend.
  • augment_hurst_exponent(): Calculate the Hurst Exponent on a rolling window for a financial time series.
  • augment_ewma_volatility(): Calculate Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) volatility for a financial time series.
  • augment_regime_detection(): Detect regimes in a financial time series using a specified method (e.g., HMM).

Bug Fixes and Speed Improvements

  • summarize_by_time(): polars engine rebuild. Columns should match pandas engine.
  • updated to fix circular imports
  • get_date_summary(): Fixed issues with polar tz
  • augment_hilbert(): Improve polars engine and fix error with groupby()
  • augment_ewm(): fix example from pytimetk import augment_ewm
  • test_plot_timeseries: Fix broken test

pytimetk 1.1.2

Bug Fixes

  • augment_rsi(): fix issue with pandas engine column names

pytimetk 1.1.1

Bug Fixes

  • augment_ppo(): fixed issues with leftover multi-index when using grouped df and pandas engine
  • augment_qsmomentum(): Fixed issue with divide by zero when standard deviation is zero

pytimetk 1.1.0

New Features

Time Series Cross Validation (TSCV)

Integration with timebasedcv #291. New Classes:

  • TimeSeriesCV(): An enhanced version of TimeBasedSplit() that defaults to mode = "backwards", allows for maximum splits using split_limit, and adds enhanced diagnostics like glimpse() and plot()

Plotly Dropdowns

A plotly dropdown automates the group-wise analysis. Instead of facets, which are only powerful for <=9 plots at a time, a dropdown can easily visualize more plots.

  • plot_timeseries(): Gets new parameters plotly_dropdown, plotly_dropdown_x, plotly_dropdown_y #301
  • plot_anomalies(): Gets new parameters plotly_dropdown, plotly_dropdown_x, plotly_dropdown_y #301

Wide-Format Plotting

  • plot_timeseries(value_column = list(), color_column=list()): Now supports multiple columns in wide format for grouped time series data visualization. #136

pytimetk 1.0.1


  • tk.summarize_by_time(): AttributeError: ‘DataFrame’ object has no attribute ‘groupby’ #298

pytimetk 1.0.0

Pandas and Polars Compatibility:

Upgrading to:

  • pandas >= 2.0.0
  • polars >= 1.2.0

Use pytimetk <=0.4.0 to support:

  • pandas <2.0.0
  • polars <1.0.0


  • Implement sort_dataframe(): This function is used internally to make sure Polars and Pandas engines perform grouped operations consistently and correctly. #286 #290
  • .augment_lags() and .augment_leads(): value_column now accepts any dtype. #295

pytimetk 0.4.0

Feature Engineering Module:

  1. augment_pct_change(): pandas and polars engines

Finance Module Updates:

  1. augment_macd(): MACD, pandas and polars engines
  2. augment_bbands(): Bollinger Bands, pandas and polars engines
  3. augment_atr(): Average True Range, pandas and polars engines
  4. augment_ppo(): Percentage Price Oscillator, pandas and polars engines
  5. augment_rsi(): Relative Strength Index, pandas and polars engines
  6. augment_qsmomentum(): Quant Science Momentum Indicator, pandas and polars engines
  7. augment_roc(): Rate of Change (ROC), pandas and polars engines

Polars Upgrades

  • Migrate to polars 0.20.7

pytimetk 0.3.0

Correlation Funnel

The R package correlationfunnel has been ported inside pytimetk:

  • binarize()
  • correlate()
  • plot_correlation_funnel()


  • filter_by_time() - Filtering with time-based strings

Feature Engineering:

  • augment_diffs() - Can now add differenced columns
  • augment_fourier() - Can now add fourier features.

Finance Module:

  • augment_cmo(): Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO)

New Polars Backends:

  • augment_diffs()
  • augment_fourier()
  • augment_cmo()


  • Make memory reduction optional #275

pytimetk 0.2.1

Bugfix - Issue with augment_rolling(engine='pandas') and augment_expanding(engine='pandas') with concatinating rolled/expanded calc’s to the correct group

pytimetk 0.2.0

Anomaly Detection

  • anomalize(): A new scalable function for detecting time series anomalies (outliers)
  • plot_anomalies(): A scalable visualization tool for inspecting anomalies in time series data.
  • plot_anomalies_decomp: A scalable visualization tool for inspecting the observed, seasonal, trend, and remainder decomposition, which are useful for telling you whether or not anomalies are being detected to your preference.
  • plot_anomalies_cleaned(): A scalable visualization tool for showing the before and after transformation for the cleaned vs uncleaned anomalies.

New Functions:

  • apply_by_time(): For complex apply-style aggregations by time.
  • augment_rolling_apply(): For complex rolling operations using apply-style data frame functions.
  • augment_expanding(): For expanding calculations with single-column functions (e.g. mean).
  • augment_expanding_apply(): For complex expanding operations with apply-style data frame functions.
  • augment_hilbert(): Hilbert features for signal processing.
  • augment_wavelet(): Wavelet transform features.
  • get_frequency(): Infer a pandas-like frequency. More robust than pandas.infer_freq.
  • get_seasonal_frequency(): Infer the pandas-like seasonal frequency (periodicity) for the time series.
  • get_trend_frequency(): Infer the pandas-like trend for the time series.

New Finance Module

More coming soon.

  • augment_ewm(): Exponentially weighted augmentation

Speed Improvements

Polars Engines:

  • summarize_by_time(): Gains a polars engine.
    • 3X to 10X speed improvements.
  • augment_lags() and augment_leads(): Gains a polars engine. Speed improvements increase with number of lags/leads.
    • 6.5X speed improvement with 100 lags.
  • augment_rolling(): Gains a polars engine. 10X speed improvement.
  • augment_expanding(): Gains a polars engine.
  • augment_timeseries_signature(): Gains a polars engine. 3X speed improvement.
  • augment_holiday_signature(): Gains a polars engine.

Parallel Processing and Vectorized Optimizations:

  • pad_by_time(): Complete overhaul. Uses Cartesian Product (Vectorization) to enhance the speed. 1000s of time series can now be padded in seconds.
    • Independent review: Time went from over 90 minutes to 13 seconds for a 500X speedup on 10M rows.
  • future_frame(): Complete overhaul. Uses vectorization when possible. Grouped parallel processing. Set threads = -1 to use all cores.
    • Independent Review: Time went from 11 minutes to 2.5 minutes for a 4.4X speedup on 10M rows
  • ts_features: Uses concurrent futures to parallelize tasks. Set threads = -1 to use all cores.
  • ts_summary: Uses concurrent futures to parallelize tasks. Set threads = -1 to use all cores.
  • anomalize: Uses concurrent futures to parallelize tasks. Set threads = -1 to use all cores.
  • augment_rolling() and augment_rolling_apply(): Uses concurrent futures to parallelize tasks. Set threads = -1 to use all cores.

Helpful Utilities:

  • parallel_apply: Mimics the pandas apply() function with concurrent futures.
  • progress_apply: Adds a progress bar to pandas apply()
  • glimpse(): Mimics tidyverse (tibble) glimpse function

New Data Sets:

  • expedia: Expedia hotel searches time series data set

3 New Applied Tutorials:

  1. Sales Analysis Tutorial
  2. Finance Analysis Tutorial
  3. Demand Forecasting Tutorial
  4. Anomaly Detection Tutorial

Final Deprecations:

  • summarize_by_time(): kind = "period". This was removed for consistency with pytimetk. “timestamp” is the default.
  • augment_rolling(): use_independent_variables. This is replaced by augment_rolling_apply().

pytimetk 0.1.0 (2023-10-02)

About the Initial release.

This release includes the following features:

  1. A workhorse plotting function called plot_timeseries() 💪
  2. Three (3) data wrangling functions that will simplify 90% of time series tasks 🙏
  3. Five (5) “augmentor” functions: These add hundreds of features to time series to help in predictive tasks 🧠
  4. Two (2) time series feature summarizes: identify key aspects of your time series 🔍
  5. Nine (9) pandas series and DatetimeIndex helpers (work more easily with these timestamp data structures) ⏲
  6. Four (4) date utility functions that fill in missing function gaps in pandas 🐼
  7. Two (2) Visualization utilities to help you customize your visualizations and make them look MORE professional 📈
  8. Two (2) Pandas helpers that help clean up and understand pandas data frames with time series 🎇
  9. Twelve (12) time series datasets that you can practice PyTimeTK time series analysis on 🔢

The PyTimeTK website comes with:

  1. Two (2) Getting started tutorials
  2. Five (5) Guides covering common tasks
  3. Coming Soon: Applied Tutorials in Sales, Finance, Demand Forecasting, Anomaly Detection, and more.