
    title='Anomaly Decomposition Plot',
    x_axis_date_labels='%b %Y',

The plot_anomalies_decomp function takes in data from the anomalize() function, and returns a plot of the anomaly decomposition.


Name Type Description Default
data Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy] The input data for the plot from anomalize. It can be either a pandas DataFrame or a pandas DataFrameGroupBy object. required
date_column str The name of the column in the data that contains the dates. required
line_color str The color of the line in the plot. It is specified as a hexadecimal color code. The default value is “#2c3e50”. '#2c3e50'
line_size Optional[float] The line_size parameter determines the thickness of the lines in the plot. It is an optional parameter, so if you don’t specify a value, the default line size will be used. None
line_type str The line_type parameter specifies the type of line to be used in the plot. It can take the following values: - “solid” (default): a solid line - “dashed”: a dashed line 'solid'
line_alpha float The line_alpha parameter controls the transparency of the lines in the plot. It accepts a float value between 0 and 1, where 0 means completely transparent and 1 means completely opaque. 1.0
y_intercept Optional[float] The y_intercept parameter is an optional float value that specifies the y-coordinate of a horizontal line to be plotted on the graph. This line can be used to indicate a specific threshold or reference value. If not specified, no horizontal line will be plotted. None
y_intercept_color str The y_intercept_color parameter is used to specify the color of the y-intercept line on the plot. By default, it is set to "#2c3e50", which is a dark blue color. You can change this parameter to any valid color code or name to change the color of the line. '#2c3e50'
x_intercept Optional[str] The x_intercept parameter is used to specify the value on the x-axis where you want to draw a vertical line. This can be useful for highlighting a specific point or event in the data. None
x_intercept_color str The x_intercept_color parameter is used to specify the color of the vertical line representing the x-intercept on the plot. By default, it is set to “#2c3e50”, which is a dark blue color. You can change this parameter to any valid color code or name to change the color of the line. '#2c3e50'
title str The title of the plot. It is set to “Anomaly Decomposition Plot” by default. 'Anomaly Decomposition Plot'
x_lab str The x_lab parameter is used to specify the label for the x-axis of the plot. It is a string that represents the label text. ''
y_lab str The y_lab parameter is used to specify the label for the y-axis of the plot. It is a string that represents the label text. ''
x_axis_date_labels str The x_axis_date_labels parameter is used to specify the format of the date labels on the x-axis of the plot. It accepts a string representing the format of the date labels. For example, “%b %Y” would display the month abbreviation and year (e.g., Jan 2019). '%b %Y'
base_size float The base_size parameter determines the base font size for the plot. It is used to control the size of the text elements in the plot, such as axis labels, titles, and tick labels. The default value is 11, but you can adjust it to make the text larger or smaller 11
width Optional[int] The width parameter determines the width of the plot in pixels. It is an optional parameter, so if you don’t specify a value, the plot will be displayed with the default width. None
height Optional[int] The height parameter determines the height of the plot in pixels. It is an optional parameter, so if you don’t specify a value, the plot will be displayed with a default height. None
engine str The engine parameter specifies the plotting engine to use. It can be set to either “plotly”, “plotnine”, or “matplotlib”. 'plotly'


Name Type Description
A plotly, plotnine, or matplotlib plot.

See Also

  1. anomalize : Function that calculates the anomalies and formats the data for visualization.
  2. plot_anomalies : Function that plots the anomalies.


import pytimetk as tk
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Create a date range
date_rng = pd.date_range(start='2021-01-01', end='2024-01-01', freq='MS')

# Generate some random data with a few outliers
data = np.random.randn(len(date_rng)) * 10 + 25  
data[3] = 100  # outlier

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(date_rng, columns=['date'])
df['value'] = data

# Anomalize the data
anomalize_df = tk.anomalize(
    df, "date", "value",
    method = "twitter", 
    iqr_alpha = 0.10, 
    clean_alpha = 0.75,
    clean = "min_max",
    verbose = True,

# Visualize the results, plotly
anomalize_df.plot_anomalies_decomp("date", engine = 'plotly')
Using seasonal frequency of 12 observations
Using trend frequency of 37 observations
# Visualize the results, plotnine
anomalize_df.plot_anomalies_decomp("date", engine = "plotnine")

<Figure Size: (700 x 500)>
import pytimetk as tk
import pandas as pd

df = tk.load_dataset("walmart_sales_weekly", parse_dates=["Date"])[["id", "Date", "Weekly_Sales"]]

anomalize_df = (
            "Date", "Weekly_Sales", 
            period = 52, 
            trend = 52, 
            threads = 1

# Visualize the decomposition results, plotly
            date_column = "Date",
            line_color = "steelblue",
            width = 1200,
            height = 800,
            x_axis_date_labels = "%y",
            engine = 'plotly',                
# Visualize the decomposition results, plotnine

            date_column = "Date",
            line_color = "steelblue",
            width = 1200,
            height = 800,
            x_axis_date_labels = "%y",
            engine = 'plotnine',                

<Figure Size: (1200 x 800)>