
is_holiday(idx, country_name='UnitedStates', country=None, engine='pandas')

Check if a given list of dates are holidays for a specified country.

Note: This function requires the holidays package to be installed.


Name Type Description Default
idx Union[str, datetime, List[Union[str, datetime]], pd.Series] The dates to check for holiday status. required
country_name str The name of the country for which to check the holiday status. Defaults to ‘UnitedStates’ if not specified. 'UnitedStates'
country str An alternative parameter to specify the country for holiday checking, overriding country_name. None
engine str The engine parameter is used to specify the engine to use for generating the boolean series. It can be either “pandas” or “polars”. - The default value is “pandas”. - When “polars”, the function will internally use the polars library for generating a boolean of holidays or not holidays. This can be faster than using “pandas” for long series. 'pandas'


pd.Series: Series containing True if the date is a holiday, False otherwise.


ValueError: If the specified country is not found in the holidays package.


import polars as pl
import pytimetk as tk

tk.is_holiday('2023-01-01', country_name='UnitedStates')
0    True
Name: is_holiday, dtype: bool
# List of dates
tk.is_holiday(['2023-01-01', '2023-01-02', '2023-01-03'], country_name='UnitedStates')
0     True
1     True
2    False
Name: is_holiday, dtype: bool
# Polars Series
tk.is_holiday(pl.Series(['2023-01-01', '2023-01-02', '2023-01-03']), country_name='UnitedStates')
0     True
1     True
2    False
Name: is_holiday, dtype: bool