
get_seasonal_frequency(idx, force_regular=False, numeric=False, engine='pandas')

The get_seasonal_frequency function returns the seasonal period of a given time series or datetime index.


Name Type Description Default
idx Union[pd.Series, pd.DatetimeIndex] The idx parameter can be either a pandas Series or a pandas DatetimeIndex. It represents the time index for which you want to calculate the seasonal frequency. required
force_regular bool force_regular is a boolean parameter that determines whether to force the frequency to be regular. If set to True, the function will try to find a regular frequency even if the data is irregular. If set to False, the function will return the actual frequency of the data. False
numeric bool The numeric parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether the output should be in numeric format or a string Pandas Frequency Alias. If numeric is set to True, the output will be a numeric representation of the seasonal period. If numeric is set to False (default), the output will False
engine str The engine parameter is used to specify the engine to use for generating a date summary. It can be either โ€œpandasโ€ or โ€œpolarsโ€. - The default value is โ€œpandasโ€. - When โ€œpolarsโ€, the function will internally use the polars library for generating the time scale information. 'pandas'


Name Type Description
The function get_seasonal_frequency returns the seasonal period based on the input index. If the index is a pd.DatetimeIndex, it is converted to a pd.Series with the name โ€œidxโ€. The function then calculates the summary frequency of the index using the get_frequency_summary function. It determines the scale and unit of the frequency and adjusts the unit if the scale is


import pytimetk as tk
import pandas as pd

dates = pd.date_range(start='2021-01-01', end='2024-01-01', freq='MS')
