
get_frequency(idx, force_regular=False, numeric=False)

Get the frequency of a pandas Series or DatetimeIndex.

The function get_frequency first attempts to get a pandas inferred frequency. If the inferred frequency is None, it will attempt calculate the frequency manually. If the frequency cannot be determined, the function will raise a ValueError.


Name Type Description Default
idx pd.Series or pd.DatetimeIndex The idx parameter can be either a pd.Series or a pd.DatetimeIndex. It represents the index or the time series data for which we want to determine the frequency. required
force_regular bool The force_regular parameter is a boolean flag that determines whether to force the frequency to be regular. If set to True, the function will convert irregular frequencies to their regular counterparts. For example, if the inferred frequency is β€˜B’ (business days), it will be converted to β€˜D’ (calendar days). The default value is False. False
numeric bool The numeric parameter is a boolean flag that indicates whether a numeric value for the median timestamps per pandas frequency or the pandas string frequency alias. False


Name Type Description
str The frequency of the given pandas series or datetime index.