

Apply one or more Series-based rolling functions and window sizes to one or more columns of a DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
data Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy] Input data to be processed. Can be a Pandas DataFrame or a GroupBy object. required
date_column str Name of the datetime column. Data is sorted by this column within each group. required
value_column Union[str, list] Column(s) to which the rolling window functions should be applied. Can be a single column name or a list. required
window_func Union[str, list, Tuple[str, Callable]] The window_func parameter in the augment_rolling function specifies the function(s) to be applied to the rolling windows of the value column(s). 1. It can be either: - A string representing the name of a standard function (e.g., ‘mean’, ‘sum’). 2. For custom functions: - Provide a list of tuples. Each tuple should contain a custom name for the function and the function itself. - Each custom function should accept a Pandas Series as its input and operate on that series. Example: (“range”, lambda x: x.max() - x.min()) (See more Examples below.) Note: If your function needs to operate on multiple columns (i.e., it requires access to a DataFrame rather than just a Series), consider using the augment_rolling_apply function in this library. 'mean'
window Union[int, tuple, list] Specifies the size of the rolling windows. - An integer applies the same window size to all columns in value_column. - A tuple generates windows from the first to the second value (inclusive). - A list of integers designates multiple window sizes for each respective column. 2
min_periods int Minimum observations in the window to have a value. Defaults to the window size. If set, a value will be produced even if fewer observations are present than the window size. None
center bool If True, the rolling window will be centered on the current value. For even-sized windows, the window will be left-biased. Otherwise, it uses a trailing window. False
threads int Number of threads to use for parallel processing. If threads is set to 1, parallel processing will be disabled. Set to -1 to use all available CPU cores. 1
show_progress bool If True, a progress bar will be displayed during parallel processing. True
reduce_memory bool The reduce_memory parameter is used to specify whether to reduce the memory usage of the DataFrame by converting int, float to smaller bytes and str to categorical data. This reduces memory for large data but may impact resolution of float and will change str to categorical. Default is False. False
engine str Specifies the backend computation library for augmenting expanding window functions. The options are: - “pandas” (default): Uses the pandas library. - “polars”: Uses the polars library, which may offer performance benefits for larger datasets. 'pandas'


Name Type Description
pd.DataFrame The augment_rolling function returns a DataFrame with new columns for each applied function, window size, and value column.



This function uses parallel processing to speed up computation for large datasets with many time series groups:

Parallel processing has overhead and may not be faster on small datasets.

To use parallel processing, set threads = -1 to use all available processors.


import pytimetk as tk
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = tk.load_dataset("m4_daily", parse_dates = ['date'])
# Example 1 - Using a single window size and a single function name, pandas engine
# This example demonstrates the use of both string-named functions and lambda 
# functions on a rolling window. We specify a list of window sizes: [2,7]. 
# As a result, the output will have computations for both window sizes 2 and 7.
# Note - It's preferred to use built-in or configurable functions instead of 
# lambda functions for performance reasons.

rolled_df = (
            date_column = 'date', 
            value_column = 'value', 
            window = [2,7],  # Specifying multiple window sizes
            window_func = [
                'mean',  # Built-in mean function
                ('std', lambda x: x.std())  # Lambda function to compute standard deviation
            threads = 1,  # Disabling parallel processing
            engine = 'pandas'  # Using pandas engine
id date value value_rolling_mean_win_2 value_rolling_std_win_2 value_rolling_mean_win_7 value_rolling_std_win_7
0 D10 2014-07-03 2076.2 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 D10 2014-07-04 2073.4 2074.80 1.40 2074.800000 1.400000
2 D10 2014-07-05 2048.7 2061.05 12.35 2066.100000 12.356645
3 D10 2014-07-06 2048.9 2048.80 0.10 2061.800000 13.037830
4 D10 2014-07-07 2006.4 2027.65 21.25 2050.720000 25.041038
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9738 D500 2012-09-19 9418.8 9425.35 6.55 9382.071429 74.335988
9739 D500 2012-09-20 9365.7 9392.25 26.55 9396.400000 58.431303
9740 D500 2012-09-21 9445.9 9405.80 40.10 9419.114286 39.184451
9741 D500 2012-09-22 9497.9 9471.90 26.00 9438.928571 38.945336
9742 D500 2012-09-23 9545.3 9521.60 23.70 9449.028571 53.379416

9743 rows × 7 columns

# Example 2 - Multiple groups, pandas engine
# Example showcasing the use of string function names and lambda functions 
# applied on rolling windows. The `window` tuple (1,3) will generate window 
# sizes of 1, 2, and 3.
# Note - It's preferred to use built-in or configurable functions instead of 
# lambda functions for performance reasons.

rolled_df = (
            date_column = 'date', 
            value_column = 'value', 
            window = (1,3),  # Specifying a range of window sizes
            window_func = [
                'mean',  # Using built-in mean function
                ('std', lambda x: x.std())  # Lambda function for standard deviation
            threads = 1,  # Disabling parallel processing
            engine = 'pandas'  # Using pandas engine
id date value value_rolling_mean_win_1 value_rolling_std_win_1 value_rolling_mean_win_2 value_rolling_std_win_2 value_rolling_mean_win_3 value_rolling_std_win_3
0 D10 2014-07-03 2076.2 2076.2 0.0 2076.20 0.00 2076.200000 0.000000
1 D10 2014-07-04 2073.4 2073.4 0.0 2074.80 1.40 2074.800000 1.400000
2 D10 2014-07-05 2048.7 2048.7 0.0 2061.05 12.35 2066.100000 12.356645
3 D10 2014-07-06 2048.9 2048.9 0.0 2048.80 0.10 2057.000000 11.596839
4 D10 2014-07-07 2006.4 2006.4 0.0 2027.65 21.25 2034.666667 19.987718
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9738 D500 2012-09-19 9418.8 9418.8 0.0 9425.35 6.55 9429.466667 7.905413
9739 D500 2012-09-20 9365.7 9365.7 0.0 9392.25 26.55 9405.466667 28.623339
9740 D500 2012-09-21 9445.9 9445.9 0.0 9405.80 40.10 9410.133333 33.310092
9741 D500 2012-09-22 9497.9 9497.9 0.0 9471.90 26.00 9436.500000 54.378182
9742 D500 2012-09-23 9545.3 9545.3 0.0 9521.60 23.70 9496.366667 40.594362

9743 rows × 9 columns

# Example 3 - Multiple groups, polars engine

rolled_df = (
            date_column = 'date', 
            value_column = 'value', 
            window = (1,3),  # Specifying a range of window sizes
            window_func = [
                'mean',  # Using built-in mean function
                'std',  # Using built-in standard deviation function
            engine = 'polars'  # Using polars engine
id date value value_rolling_mean_win_1 value_rolling_std_win_1 value_rolling_mean_win_2 value_rolling_std_win_2 value_rolling_mean_win_3 value_rolling_std_win_3
0 D10 2014-07-03 2076.2 2076.2 NaN 2076.20 NaN 2076.200000 NaN
1 D10 2014-07-04 2073.4 2073.4 NaN 2074.80 1.979899 2074.800000 1.979899
2 D10 2014-07-05 2048.7 2048.7 NaN 2061.05 17.465537 2066.100000 15.133737
3 D10 2014-07-06 2048.9 2048.9 NaN 2048.80 0.141421 2057.000000 14.203169
4 D10 2014-07-07 2006.4 2006.4 NaN 2027.65 30.052038 2034.666667 24.479856
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9738 D500 2012-09-19 9418.8 9418.8 NaN 9425.35 9.263099 9429.466667 9.682114
9739 D500 2012-09-20 9365.7 9365.7 NaN 9392.25 37.547370 9405.466667 35.056288
9740 D500 2012-09-21 9445.9 9445.9 NaN 9405.80 56.709964 9410.133333 40.796364
9741 D500 2012-09-22 9497.9 9497.9 NaN 9471.90 36.769553 9436.500000 66.599399
9742 D500 2012-09-23 9545.3 9545.3 NaN 9521.60 33.516861 9496.366667 49.717737

9743 rows × 9 columns