

Calculate PPO for a given financial instrument using either pandas or polars engine.


Name Type Description Default
data Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy] Pandas DataFrame or GroupBy object containing financial data. required
date_column str Name of the column containing date information. required
close_column str Name of the column containing closing price data. required
fast_period int Number of periods for the fast EMA in PPO calculation. 12
slow_period int Number of periods for the slow EMA in PPO calculation. 26
reduce_memory bool Whether to reduce memory usage of the data before performing the calculation. False
engine str Computation engine to use (β€˜pandas’ or β€˜polars’). 'pandas'


Name Type Description
pd.DataFrame DataFrame with PPO values added.


The Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO) is a momentum oscillator that measures the difference between two moving averages as a percentage of the larger moving average. The PPO is best used to confirm the direction of the price trend and gauge its momentum.

The PPO is calculated by subtracting a long-term EMA from a short-term EMA, then dividing the result by the long-term EMA, and finally multiplying by 100.

Advantages Over MACD: The PPO’s percentage-based calculation allows for easier comparisons between different securities, regardless of their price levels. This is a distinct advantage over the MACD, which provides absolute values and can be less meaningful when comparing stocks with significantly different prices.


import pandas as pd
import pytimetk as tk

df = tk.load_dataset("stocks_daily", parse_dates = ['date'])

symbol date open high low close volume adjusted
0 META 2013-01-02 27.440001 28.180000 27.420000 28.000000 69846400 28.000000
1 META 2013-01-03 27.879999 28.469999 27.590000 27.770000 63140600 27.770000
2 META 2013-01-04 28.010000 28.930000 27.830000 28.760000 72715400 28.760000
3 META 2013-01-07 28.690001 29.790001 28.650000 29.420000 83781800 29.420000
4 META 2013-01-08 29.510000 29.600000 28.860001 29.059999 45871300 29.059999
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
16189 GOOG 2023-09-15 138.800003 139.360001 137.179993 138.300003 48947600 138.300003
16190 GOOG 2023-09-18 137.630005 139.929993 137.630005 138.960007 16233600 138.960007
16191 GOOG 2023-09-19 138.250000 139.175003 137.500000 138.830002 15479100 138.830002
16192 GOOG 2023-09-20 138.830002 138.839996 134.520004 134.589996 21473500 134.589996
16193 GOOG 2023-09-21 132.389999 133.190002 131.089996 131.360001 22042700 131.360001

16194 rows Γ— 8 columns

# PPO pandas engine
df_ppo = (
            date_column = 'date', 
            close_column = 'close', 
            fast_period = 12, 
            slow_period = 26, 
            engine = "pandas"

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>: 16194 rows of 9 columns
symbol:                object            ['META', 'META', 'META', 'META' ...
date:                  datetime64[ns]    [Timestamp('2013-01-02 00:00:00 ...
open:                  float64           [27.440000534057617, 27.8799991 ...
high:                  float64           [28.18000030517578, 28.46999931 ...
low:                   float64           [27.420000076293945, 27.5900001 ...
close:                 float64           [28.0, 27.770000457763672, 28.7 ...
volume:                int64             [69846400, 63140600, 72715400,  ...
adjusted:              float64           [28.0, 27.770000457763672, 28.7 ...
close_ppo_line_12_26:  float64           [0.0, -0.06556683019188614, 0.1 ...
# PPO polars engine
df_ppo = (
            date_column = 'date', 
            close_column = 'close', 
            fast_period = 12, 
            slow_period = 26, 
            engine = "polars"

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>: 16194 rows of 9 columns
symbol:                object            ['META', 'META', 'META', 'META' ...
date:                  datetime64[ns]    [Timestamp('2013-01-02 00:00:00 ...
open:                  float64           [27.440000534057617, 27.8799991 ...
high:                  float64           [28.18000030517578, 28.46999931 ...
low:                   float64           [27.420000076293945, 27.5900001 ...
close:                 float64           [28.0, 27.770000457763672, 28.7 ...
volume:                int64             [69846400, 63140600, 72715400,  ...
adjusted:              float64           [28.0, 27.770000457763672, 28.7 ...
close_ppo_line_12_26:  float64           [0.0, -0.06556683019189882, 0.1 ...