Sample Daily Time Series Data from the Web Traffic Forecasting (Wikipedia) Competition
The Kaggle "Web Traffic Forecasting" (Wikipedia) Competition used Google Analytics Web Traffic Data for 145,000 websites. Each of these time series represent a number of daily views of a different Wikipedia articles. The competition began July 13th, 2017 and ended November 15th, 2017. This dataset includes a Sample of 10 article pages (10 total time series).
A tibble: 9,743 x 3
Character. Page information.date
Date. Daily timestamp.value
Numeric. Daily views of the wikipedia article.
This is a sample of 10 Daily data sets from the Kaggle Web Traffic Forecasting (Wikipedia) Competition
#> # A tibble: 5,500 × 3
#> Page date value
#> <chr> <date> <dbl>
#> 1 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-01 791
#> 2 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-02 704
#> 3 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-03 903
#> 4 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-04 732
#> 5 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-05 558
#> 6 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-06 504
#> 7 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-07 543
#> 8 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-08 1156
#> 9 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-09 1196
#> 10 Death_of_Freddie_Gray_en.wikipedia.org_mobile-web_all-agents 2015-07-10 701
#> # ℹ 5,490 more rows