Visualize Multiple Seasonality Features for One or More Time Series
An interactive and scalable function for visualizing time series seasonality.
Plots are available in interactive plotly
(default) and static ggplot2
.facet_vars = NULL,
.feature_set = "auto",
.geom = c("boxplot", "violin"),
.geom_color = "#2c3e50",
.geom_outlier_color = "#2c3e50",
.title = "Seasonal Diagnostics",
.x_lab = "",
.y_lab = "",
.interactive = TRUE
- .data
with a time-based column- .date_var
A column containing either date or date-time values
- .value
A column containing numeric values
- .facet_vars
One or more grouping columns that broken out into
facets. These can be selected usingtidyselect()
helpers (e.gcontains()
).- .feature_set
One or multiple selections to analyze for seasonality. Choices include:
"auto" - Automatically selects features based on the time stamps and length of the series.
"second" - Good for analyzing seasonality by second of each minute.
"minute" - Good for analyzing seasonality by minute of the hour
"hour" - Good for analyzing seasonality by hour of the day
"wday.lbl" - Labeled weekdays. Good for analyzing seasonality by day of the week.
"week" - Good for analyzing seasonality by week of the year.
"month.lbl" - Labeled months. Good for analyzing seasonality by month of the year.
"quarter" - Good for analyzing seasonality by quarter of the year
"year" - Good for analyzing seasonality over multiple years.
- .geom
Either "boxplot" or "violin"
- .geom_color
Geometry color. Line color. Use keyword: "scale_color" to change the color by the facet.
- .geom_outlier_color
Color used to highlight outliers.
- .title
Plot title.
- .x_lab
Plot x-axis label
- .y_lab
Plot y-axis label
- .interactive
If TRUE, returns a
interactive plot. If FALSE, returns a staticggplot2
Automatic Feature Selection
Internal calculations are performed to detect a sub-range of features to include useing the following logic:
The minimum feature is selected based on the median difference between consecutive timestamps
The maximum feature is selected based on having 2 full periods.
Example: Hourly timestamp data that lasts more than 2 weeks will have the following features: "hour", "wday.lbl", and "week".
Scalable with Grouped Data Frames
This function respects grouped data.frame
and tibbles
that were made with dplyr::group_by()
For grouped data, the automatic feature selection returned is a collection of all features within the sub-groups. This means extra features are returned even though they may be meaningless for some of the groups.
The .value
parameter respects transformations (e.g. .value = log(sales)
# \donttest{
# Taylor 30-minute dataset from forecast package
#> # A tibble: 4,032 × 2
#> date value
#> <dttm> <dbl>
#> 1 2000-06-05 00:00:00 22262
#> 2 2000-06-05 00:30:00 21756
#> 3 2000-06-05 01:00:00 22247
#> 4 2000-06-05 01:30:00 22759
#> 5 2000-06-05 02:00:00 22549
#> 6 2000-06-05 02:30:00 22313
#> 7 2000-06-05 03:00:00 22128
#> 8 2000-06-05 03:30:00 21860
#> 9 2000-06-05 04:00:00 21751
#> 10 2000-06-05 04:30:00 21336
#> # ℹ 4,022 more rows
# Visualize series
taylor_30_min %>%
plot_time_series(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)
# Visualize seasonality
taylor_30_min %>%
plot_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)
# m4 hourly dataset
#> # A tibble: 3,060 × 3
#> id date value
#> <fct> <dttm> <dbl>
#> 1 H10 2015-07-01 12:00:00 513
#> 2 H10 2015-07-01 13:00:00 512
#> 3 H10 2015-07-01 14:00:00 506
#> 4 H10 2015-07-01 15:00:00 500
#> 5 H10 2015-07-01 16:00:00 490
#> 6 H10 2015-07-01 17:00:00 484
#> 7 H10 2015-07-01 18:00:00 467
#> 8 H10 2015-07-01 19:00:00 446
#> 9 H10 2015-07-01 20:00:00 434
#> 10 H10 2015-07-01 21:00:00 422
#> # ℹ 3,050 more rows
# Visualize series
m4_hourly %>%
group_by(id) %>%
plot_time_series(date, value, .facet_scales = "free", .interactive = FALSE)
# Visualize seasonality
m4_hourly %>%
group_by(id) %>%
plot_seasonal_diagnostics(date, value, .interactive = FALSE)
# }