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The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 yearly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Yearly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 Yearly data sets from the M4 competition.


#> # A tibble: 135 × 3
#>    id    date       value
#>    <fct> <date>     <dbl>
#>  1 Y1    1979-01-01 5172.
#>  2 Y1    1980-01-01 5134.
#>  3 Y1    1981-01-01 5187.
#>  4 Y1    1982-01-01 5085.
#>  5 Y1    1983-01-01 5182 
#>  6 Y1    1984-01-01 5414.
#>  7 Y1    1985-01-01 5576.
#>  8 Y1    1986-01-01 5753.
#>  9 Y1    1987-01-01 5955.
#> 10 Y1    1988-01-01 6088.
#> # ℹ 125 more rows