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The fourth M Competition. M4, started on 1 January 2018 and ended in 31 May 2018. The competition included 100,000 time series datasets. This dataset includes a sample of 4 monthly time series from the competition.




A tibble: 9,743 x 3

  • id Factor. Unique series identifier (4 total)

  • date Date. Timestamp information. Monthly format.

  • value Numeric. Value at the corresponding timestamp.


This is a sample of 4 Monthly data sets from the M4 competition.


#> # A tibble: 1,574 × 3
#>    id    date       value
#>    <fct> <date>     <dbl>
#>  1 M1    1976-06-01  8000
#>  2 M1    1976-07-01  8350
#>  3 M1    1976-08-01  8570
#>  4 M1    1976-09-01  7700
#>  5 M1    1976-10-01  7080
#>  6 M1    1976-11-01  6520
#>  7 M1    1976-12-01  6070
#>  8 M1    1977-01-01  6650
#>  9 M1    1977-02-01  6830
#> 10 M1    1977-03-01  5710
#> # ℹ 1,564 more rows