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Calibration sets the stage for accuracy and forecast confidence by computing predictions and residuals from out of sample data.


modeltime_calibrate(object, new_data, id = NULL, quiet = TRUE, ...)



A fitted model object that is either:

  1. A modeltime table that has been created using modeltime_table()

  2. A workflow that has been fit by fit.workflow() or

  3. A parsnip model that has been fit using fit.model_spec()


A test data set tibble containing future information (timestamps and actual values).


A quoted column name containing an identifier column identifying time series that are grouped.


Hide errors (TRUE, the default), or display them as they occur?


Additional arguments passed to modeltime_forecast().


A Modeltime Table (mdl_time_tbl) with nested .calibration_data added


The results of calibration are used for:

  • Forecast Confidence Interval Estimation: The out of sample residual data is used to calculate the confidence interval. Refer to modeltime_forecast().

  • Accuracy Calculations: The out of sample actual and prediction values are used to calculate performance metrics. Refer to modeltime_accuracy()

The calibration steps include:

  1. If not a Modeltime Table, objects are converted to Modeltime Tables internally

  2. Two Columns are added:

  • .type: Indicates the sample type. This is:

    • "Test" if predicted, or

    • "Fitted" if residuals were stored during modeling.

  • .calibration_data:

    • Contains a tibble with Timestamps, Actual Values, Predictions and Residuals calculated from new_data (Test Data)

    • If id is provided, will contain a 5th column that is the identifier variable.



# Data
m750 <- m4_monthly %>% filter(id == "M750")

# Split Data 80/20
splits <- initial_time_split(m750, prop = 0.8)

# --- MODELS ---

# Model 1: prophet ----
model_fit_prophet <- prophet_reg() %>%
    set_engine(engine = "prophet") %>%
    fit(value ~ date, data = training(splits))
#> Disabling weekly seasonality. Run prophet with weekly.seasonality=TRUE to override this.
#> Disabling daily seasonality. Run prophet with daily.seasonality=TRUE to override this.


models_tbl <- modeltime_table(

# ---- CALIBRATE ----

calibration_tbl <- models_tbl %>%
        new_data = testing(splits)

# ---- ACCURACY ----

calibration_tbl %>%
#> # A tibble: 1 × 9
#>   .model_id .model_desc .type   mae  mape  mase smape  rmse   rsq
#>       <int> <chr>       <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1         1 PROPHET     Test   270.  2.73 0.804  2.66  363. 0.812

# ---- FORECAST ----

calibration_tbl %>%
        new_data    = testing(splits),
        actual_data = m750
#> # Forecast Results
#> Conf Method: conformal_default | Conf Interval: 0.95 | Conf By ID: FALSE
#> # A tibble: 368 × 7
#>    .model_id .model_desc .key   .index     .value .conf_lo .conf_hi
#>        <int> <chr>       <fct>  <date>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-01-01   6370       NA       NA
#>  2        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-02-01   6430       NA       NA
#>  3        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-03-01   6520       NA       NA
#>  4        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-04-01   6580       NA       NA
#>  5        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-05-01   6620       NA       NA
#>  6        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-06-01   6690       NA       NA
#>  7        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-07-01   6000       NA       NA
#>  8        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-08-01   5450       NA       NA
#>  9        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-09-01   6480       NA       NA
#> 10        NA ACTUAL      actual 1990-10-01   6820       NA       NA
#> # ℹ 358 more rows