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Excel reference functions are used to efficiently lookup values from a data source. The most popular lookup function is "VLOOKUP", which has been implemented in R.

These functions are designed to help users coming from an Excel background. Most functions replicate the behavior of Excel:

  • Names are similar to Excel function names

  • Functionality replicates Excel


VLOOKUP(.lookup_values, .data, .lookup_column, .return_column)



One or more lookup values.


A data.frame or tibble that contains values to evaluate and return


The column in .data containing exact matching values of the .lookup_values


The column in .data containing the values to return if a match is found


Returns a vector the length of the input lookup values


VLOOKUP() Details

  • Performs exact matching only. Fuzzy matching is not implemented.

  • Can only return values from one column only. Use dplyr::left_join() to perform table joining.



lookup_table <- tibble(
    stock   = c("META", "AMZN", "NFLX", "GOOG"),
    company = c("Facebook", "Amazon", "Netflix", "Google")

# --- Basic Usage ---

        .data = lookup_table,
        .lookup_column = stock,
        .return_column = company)
#> [1] "Netflix"

# --- Usage with tidyverse ---

# Add company names to the stock data
FANG %>%
    mutate(company = VLOOKUP(symbol, lookup_table, stock, company))
#> # A tibble: 4,032 × 9
#>    symbol date        open  high   low close    volume adjusted company 
#>    <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>   
#>  1 META   2013-01-02  27.4  28.2  27.4  28    69846400     28   Facebook
#>  2 META   2013-01-03  27.9  28.5  27.6  27.8  63140600     27.8 Facebook
#>  3 META   2013-01-04  28.0  28.9  27.8  28.8  72715400     28.8 Facebook
#>  4 META   2013-01-07  28.7  29.8  28.6  29.4  83781800     29.4 Facebook
#>  5 META   2013-01-08  29.5  29.6  28.9  29.1  45871300     29.1 Facebook
#>  6 META   2013-01-09  29.7  30.6  29.5  30.6 104787700     30.6 Facebook
#>  7 META   2013-01-10  30.6  31.5  30.3  31.3  95316400     31.3 Facebook
#>  8 META   2013-01-11  31.3  32.0  31.1  31.7  89598000     31.7 Facebook
#>  9 META   2013-01-14  32.1  32.2  30.6  31.0  98892800     31.0 Facebook
#> 10 META   2013-01-15  30.6  31.7  29.9  30.1 173242600     30.1 Facebook
#> # ℹ 4,022 more rows