There are two methods for setting your token, an environment variable in your .Renviron file, or setting an option. If both are set, the environment variable will always be used. It is encouraged to use the environment variable approach, as this will persist between R sessions. See details for how to get started.

riingo_set_token(token, inform = TRUE)




Tiingo API token. A character.


A single logical. Should a message be displayed encouraging you to instead use an environment variable?


To use the Tiingo API, you must create an account and set an API token. It is completely free to get started and use their free source of data.

To sign up, use riingo_browse_signup() and click Sign-up.

To find your API token, use riingo_browse_token(). Note that you must be signed in on the opened browser.

With your API token in hand, you can do one of two things:

  • Set the API token using the RIINGO_TOKEN environment variable in an .Renviron file. This is recommended. The easiest way to access this file is with usethis::edit_r_environ(). Add a line containing RIINGO_TOKEN = <your-token-here>. Do not put the token in quotes, and make sure to restart R once you have set it. After that, you shouldn't have to worry about it again.

  • Set the API token with riingo_set_token(). This is only valid for the current R session and must be done each time you open R.