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  • Generates the default hugo template skeleton for a Portfolio-Based Data Scientist Website

  • Provides 2 starter portfolio templates: raditian and kross.


  dir = ".",
  force = NA,
  install_hugo = TRUE,
  sample = FALSE,
  format = "yaml",
  theme = c("raditian", "kross"),
  theme_example = TRUE,
  netlify = TRUE,



The directory of the new site.


Whether to create the site in a directory even if it is not empty. By default, force = TRUE when the directory only contains hidden, RStudio project (*.Rproj), LICENSE, and/or README files.


Whether to install Hugo automatically if it is not found.


Whether to add sample content. Hugo creates an empty site by default, but this function adds sample content by default.


The format of the configuration file, e.g., 'yaml' or 'toml' (the value TRUE will be treated as 'yaml', and FALSE means 'toml'). Note that the frontmatter of the new (R) Markdown file created by new_content() always uses YAML instead of TOML or JSON.


The theme can be defined in several ways.

Preset themes

  • raditian (default): Custom version of the free hugo raditian theme

  • kross: Custom version of the free hugo kross theme

A Hugo theme on Github

  • A character string of the form user/repo

  • A GIT branch or tag name after @, i.e. theme can be of the form user/repo@branch).

  • A full URL to the zip file or tarball of the theme.

No Theme

If theme = NA, no themes will be installed, and you have to manually install a theme.


Whether to copy the example in the exampleSite directory if it exists in the theme. Not all themes provide example sites.


Whether to create a Netlify config file netlify.toml.


Additional arguments can be passed to blogdown::new_site().